I went to the "Drift For Charity" drift event at Bukit Jalil today. There were quite a lot of people there. When I arrived at around 3.30 p.m, there were no drift sessions yet, so I went and check out all those drift machines present. I saw Yoong's HKS Hiper DCM Nissan Silvia S13, Ah Fai's blue Goodyear Drift Team's 1JZ-GTE-powered Nissan Cefiro A31, both Sean Khoo's Onwards Motorsport Nissan Silvia S13 and Dunlop Drift Team Nissan Silvia S13 as well as a lot more other rides, including a E30 BMW 3-Series. Ah Fai and his Cefiro left soon after I arrived, as it had suffered some damage like a shattered windscreen and a broken hood. The drift session starts almost half-an-hour later with all the cars being old Toyotas like the Corolla LE and DX. There's also two of the legendary "Hachi-roku" (that's Japanese for "86", for your those who don't know), one liftback and the other a coupe. Later on cars like A31 Cefiros starts joining in. Yoong and Sean also made some runs in their cars. One thing that I learnt from this event is that no more than 2 cars should be on the track at the same time, as witnessed when 6 cars head to the track at the same time and collision almost occured when a few of them spun around. My day ended with a quick chat with both Yoong and Sean.
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